As analog circuits give way to digital circuits and electronic devices, and switch from wired connection to wireless connection, the design of whole equipment is also changing from desktop to portable. With the development of portable design, system durability becomes extremely important.
System design engineers have begun to design and construct pre-tested modules, then superimpose or blind interpolate them as major construction technology. This requires nanoscale interconnection devices. Manufacturers of the medical industry and even the military/aerospace industry are pushing systems along this modular direction to meet the reduction in size, weight and current required by complex signals. To meet these challenges, designs of
military grade connector must meet the comprehensive requirements of enhanced electrical performance and durability and reduce the size and weight of interconnection systems.
The improved machining, die pressing equipment and materials have been able to further reduce the size of connectors in structure. Although the size and weight of the two meets MIL-PRF-83513, the 21-bit nano-micro connector weighs only 0.4g compared with the equivalent
miniature d connector weighing 2.60g. In addition, 37-bit miniature d connector require four times more space than 37-bit board mounting or PCB connectors.
Design and material selection are key to successful size reduction. The core of the design is the elastic pin. Beryllium-copper materials with special tensile annealing properties are required to form high contact strength, low contact resistance and maintain their properties in thousands of plugs. The main specifications of beryllium copper thickness, length and shape ensure the long life and long performance of pins for
nano miniature connectors.
Sunkye is a qualified mil spec military connector manufacturer and supplier, who support custom connectors for a complete range of high-performance applications. A wide variety of military connector options are available to you, feel free to contact us.