Cobots—Assistance Technologies for the Medical Sector

Sunkye Connectors enable cobots to work alongside humans without displacing them.

What is a cobot?

A cobot, also known as a collaborative robot, is a type of robot designed to work alongside humans in a shared space or in close proximity. Cobots are equipped with sensors and intelligent control systems that allow them to sense their environment and adjust their movements and force accordingly. In the medical field, cobots are increasingly playing a significant role.

How do cobots benefit the medical field?

In surgery, cobots serve as valuable assistants to surgeons, enabling them to perform complex procedures with precision while enhancing accuracy and stability. They are especially beneficial for minimally invasive surgery, improving the precision of movements and reducing the invasiveness of procedures.

Cobots are also used in rehabilitation settings, assisting patients with exercise recovery training during physical therapy. They guide patients through specific movements and monitor their progress over time to ensure effective treatment. Furthermore, collaborative robots can provide 24-hour patient care, such as monitoring vital signs and assisting with daily activities like eating and mobility.

Additionally, cobots equipped with cameras and screens can be utilized for telepresence, allowing telemedicine professionals to interact with patients, conduct examinations, and provide consultations remotely. Collaborative robots with advanced imaging technology can assist radiologists and other diagnostic doctors in analyzing medical images, identifying anomalies, and improving diagnostic accuracy.

Why are high-reliability connectors important for medical collaborative robots?

The mentioned applications emphasize the need for high-speed connectivity and communication across devices, platforms, and distances. In medical collaborative robots, reliable connectors play a crucial role in ensuring positive outcomes for patients, hospitals, and medical manufacturers.

How do Sunkye connectors enhance the performance of medical collaborative robots?

Sunkye connectors offer several key benefits for medical applications. They facilitate multi-channel signal transmission, saving space and providing sealing options. By enabling high-speed communication between collaborative robots and other devices, Sunkye connectors reduce errors caused by communication delays or errors in information transmission. Moreover, our connectors are designed for durability, withstanding harsh environments, extreme temperatures, vibrations, dust particles, and more, ensuring reliable performance even in challenging conditions.

Sunkye connectors for medical applications are designed to:

 ► Withstand extreme temperatures

 ► Facilitate multi-channel signal transmission

 ► Provide high resistance to shock and vibration

 ► Enable reliable data transmission

 ► Offer corrosion resistance and sterilizability

 ► Provide watertight and dustproof sealing

 ► Offer compact, small, and lightweight designs for space-saving applications.

Sunkye Connection Technologies provides a wide product portfolio with a complete interconnect solutions offering. Sunkye connectors and cables assemblies are complementary with Sunkye backshells and conduits.